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v3  EU UK - Metaverse Fashion Week.png
Parametric Designs

MVFW Bead # 1


This bead is computationally designed with the highest detail. The code for this bead is what is being purchased. Upon your request we will obtain internal approval and once received we will send you a payment link. The detail is amazing. Once you receive the code provided you can have the bead 3D printed. This sale is for private use only. Commercial use of this code is restricted.


Form: Grasshopper Script


Price: $1,525

MVFW Bead # 2


This bead is computationally designed with the highest detail. The code for this bead is what is being purchased. Upon your request we will obtain internal approval and once received we will send you a payment link. The detail is amazing. Once you receive the code provided you can have the bead 3D printed. This sale is for private use only. Commercial use of this code is restricted.


Form: Grasshopper Script


Price: $1,425

MVFW Beads.png
MVFW Beads.png

MVFW Bead # 3


This bead is computationally designed with the highest detail. The code for this bead is what is being purchased. Upon your request we will obtain internal approval and once received we will send you a payment link. The detail is amazing. Once you receive the code provided you can have the bead 3D printed. This sale is for private use only. Commercial use of this code is restricted.


Form: Grasshopper Script


Price: $1,105

MVFW Beads.png

How Do I Purchase:


Send us an email requesting your size and item. We will obtain confirmation and upon approvals, we will send you a payment link.

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